Marketing and Adverting Officer Vacancy at Cornerstone Insurance Plc

Position Title: Marketing and Adverting Officer.

Job Station: Rivers State.


Marketing and Adverting Officer job opportunity is available at Cornerstone Insurance Plc for individuals who possess relevant qualifications.

We are seeking for guraduates who are inteligent and smart, to occupy the position of a Marketing and Adverting Officer in our organisation.


  • HND, OND, BA qualification.
  • 1 year Experience.


  • Attractive with a good career path.
  • Salary: N50,000 – N150,000 / month.

Apply Before:-

28th February, 2021.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: using the “Job Title” as the subject of the email.

WHO IS Cornerstone Insurance Plc?

Cornerstone Insurance Plc is the first insurance company in Nigeria to provide customers with an online platform for insurance transaction. Cornerstone insurance offers motor Vehicle, Travel insurance, Aviation Marine.

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