Purchasing Officer Vacancy at Stedarol Consulting

Position Title: Purchasing Officer.

Job Station: Lagos State.


Purchasing Officer job opportunity is available at Stedarol Consulting for individuals who possess relevant qualifications


  • Research and evaluate potential vendors and suppliers
  • Request quotes and compare prices for maximum ROI
  • Estimate and establish cost parameters and budgets for purchases
  • Create and maintain good relationships with vendors and suppliers
  • Negotiate appropriate contracts for pricing and supply
  • Examine and review products and supplies to ensure quality
  • Track incoming inventory, delivery arrival time, and note actual arrival time
  • Organize and update database of suppliers, delivery times, invoices, and quantity of supplies
  • Work with team members, supervisors, and purchasing manager to develop future purchasing plans and source potential relationships with vendors
  • Analyze potential vendors and suppliers for future project needs
  • Ensure all deliveries contain all goods requested
  • Collaborate with financial team members on contracts, invoicing, and other financial matters


  • Good degree in Purchasing and Supply or related course.

Apply Before :-

31st December, 2019.


Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: darol4sure@gmail.com clearly indicating the Job Title as the subject of your mail.

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