Sales / Marketing Officer Vacancy at Cornerstone Insurance PLC

Position Title: Sales / Marketing Officer.

Job Station: Rivers State.


Sales / Marketing Officer job opportunity is available at Cornerstone Insurance Plc for individuals who possess relevant qualifications.


  • Sales and marketing of companies product.
  • Candidates should possess relevant qualifications

Apply Before :-

31st March, 2020.


Interested and qualified candidate should send their CV to: using the “Job title” as the subject of the email.

Note: The position is for graduates who have completed their NYSC only.

WHO IS Cornerstone Insurance Plc?

Cornerstone Insurance PLC is the first insurance company in Nigeria to provide customers with an online platform for insurance transactions. Little wonder why Cornerstone Insurance PLC was adjudged as the ‘Best use of IT in insurance Service 2013’ by the Financial Technology Magazine and also Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry Awards for ‘Best Online Insurance Company of the Year 2015 to name a few.

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